Hadley Purdy

Digital Marketing Specialist

Google Search Console is an excellent and insightful tool for search engine optimization. There are many tools and metrics within Google Search Console that provide detailed insights that help with the optimization of your website.
A robots.txt is a text file that instructs web robots on how to crawl pages on a website. . The robots.txt serves as a road map to bots on how they should crawl the website and if there are any resources on the website that should be excluded.
A crawl budget is an integral component to Search Engine Optimization. A crawl budget is how many pages get crawled and indexed on a given website in a specific amount of time.
Page Speed is based off of two components - speed and optimization. Learn more on how to improve your site's page speed for SEO
Google's one year anniversary of implementing mobile-first indexing is upon us. Read more on what we've learned about mobile-first indexing in the past year.