Considerations When Setting up a Blog

Time to Read: 1m 50s

Have you considered blogging as part of your social marketing campaign or as an extension of your website’s marketing efforts? A blog is a great place to add content, case studies, informal examples of work, research or company news and updates. It is also a great marketing tool to use for social, newsletter content or to get your customer feedback.

There are a three distinct ways you can set up your blog – each have a different strategy and benefit:
1. Set the blog up on Wordpress or Blogspot.
  • Pros: You can quickly get a blog up and running with little time or resources like a web developer. If each blog post is written well and has a link back to your main site then you may get traffic and backward links increased in Google.
  • Cons: The content isn’t on your website. The blog may not be found on You now have to build links to your main site and your Wordpress site. May not build trust with your end user if they don’t know for sure that it is you.
2. Set up a blog on a separate url. (like this one, idea to build traffic and links back to our main website,
  • Pros: This url could be a legit url that means something in your marketplace. It could become a credible source in the long run and share authoritative links back to your website. You potentially can have two domains with good visibility driving traffic and conversions.
  • Cons: Content isn’t on your site. You will have to build links to both sites.
3. Blog on your main domain.
  • a. You are building the size of your website and generating content that will hopefully create a following. Once a visitor is on your blog, if set up right, they can easily get to your main website without too much work. Your traffic to your website will increase tremendously. When you are building links you have more content to link back to. With your social marketing efforts you are sending them right to your website.
  • b. Cons: You have one less link resource.
Reach out if you need help with getting your blogging off the