Google Algorithm Updates & Media Response

Time to Read: 2m 10s

Hi Industrial B2B Marketers - I just wanted to give you a quick heads up. I've seen it a few times and have had a handful of conversations with clients and colleagues...with EVERY big Google Algorithm update a different media source will tell you why you should be doing something with them. Here was the latest email notice Ecreative received:
NOTE: Due to Google's "Penguin" update last month, press releases distributed online are now considered to be the most natural and effective method for online marketing. Weekly or even monthly press releases have been proven to work best.
Or recently, I was on a call with one of my customers and a 3rd party company that they buy advertising with. The advertising company has about 5 sites that all share the same content, has ads running on it, etc. etc. The advertising sites were not sending as many leads to my customer anymore and they were questioning the dollars spent and the lack of new traffic and business. The directory's response was that because of Panda it was up to the client to change all of the content on the advertising sites and essentially placed blame on the client. I was amazed. How many of their customers would believe them? I can guarantee, that if the client took the time to rework their content they still wouldn't have received any more traffic from the site.

The advertising sites were gone from targeted keyword phrase searches. It might show up for a branded term, but then who would go to a directory ranked 7 or 8 on the page when the main domain is ranking #1!?

Something you should keep in mind:
  1. If you are executing white hat SEO tactics, then most likely you don't have to hit the panic button when Google makes a change.
  2. If you are spending your marketing dollars well, you don't have all your eggs in one basket. The traffic to your site or new leads coming in are probably well rounded. Search may drive a good part of your leads, but not all.
  3. If you care about ROI, you are monitoring and tracking each dollar spent and each source of revenue for your company.
  4. And if you care about your search engine traffic and understand the value of ranking well, you are monitoring your analytics and important keywords on a regular basis.
Check out Brian's blog post on our EcreativeIM site. He does a great job explaining some things you should be paying attention to regarding Panda and Penguin updates.